IE8 RC1 Offers Service-Based Customization

With the advent of Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft is attempting to kick the personalization capabilities of the browser up a notch. However, the Redmond company is by no means limiting itself to just browser add-ons, as it also allows end users to extend Internet Explorer 8 with web services. In this context, the customization of IE8 is by no means limited to add-ins, as the browser can also be extended via Accelerators, Web Slices and Visual Search. The IE Add-ons Gallery has grown with a collection of web services tailored specifically to Internet Explorer 8.

“One of the things that I learned from working on IE is that there are common patterns of how users browse the web, yet what they browse varies person to person. We designed Visual Search Suggestions, Accelerators, and Web Slices to simplify common patterns with the flexibility for you to customize these features with services that you enjoy,” explained Jane Kim, IE program manager.

Microsoft made available for download Release Candidate 1 of Internet Explorer 8 in January 2009. By default the browser offers a Microsoft selection of accelerators, web slices and search providers. However, end users are free to customize the services available with IE8 out-of-the-box by adding their own personalization options through Settings Wizard or Manage Add-ons.

“IE8 respects your existing services on a version (IE7 to IE8) and build-to-build (Beta 2 to RC 1) upgrade. Search providers were available in IE7, and IE8 keeps your previous search providers and the default setting. IE8 also checks and updates your search providers with suggestions, so that you can start using suggestions automatically,” Kim added. “For Accelerators and Web Slices, IE8 keeps your services and default settings on build-to-build upgrades.”

In case you are at a loss of inspiration when it comes down to personalizing Internet Explorer 8 with additional services beyond those provided by default, Microsoft offers a list of available add-ons. “The IE8 Add-ons Gallery is a way for you to find the services that you use on a daily basis,” Kim said.

Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is available for download here.

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